women's health

Around Birth

women's health worldwide

'Ingrid, your classes were the best yoga classes in the world, they were informative, fun, helpful, interesting, warm and engaging. Through them I gained confidence in myself, my body and my baby and for this I cannot thank you enough.' Carrie & little Robyn - - - 'I highly recommend Ingrid's pregnancy yoga & birth preparation classes to both my NHS and private expectant mothers. Ingrid's classes are an excellent way to stay healthy in mind and body throughout pregnancy and to be well-prepared for birth.' Dr. Claire Mellon, GP & Obstetrician - - - 'I wanted to thank you for the breathing techniques you taught me which proved invaluable and for giving me the confidence I could do it without an epidural, by trusting myself and my body. Six days later, I feel great, I was lucky I did not have any tearing whatsoever and that labour was quick and super effective. Recovery has been second to none. I want to thank you again for all your support and your great yoga classes!' Liana - - - 'Thank YOU Ingrid, you're one in a million. The breathing techniques you gave us in the last relaxation got me right to 10cm easily! Remarkable. So delighted to have birthed a breech baby avoiding a c section.' Natalie


Australian Bush Flower Essences (ABFE)

Background to Flower Remedies:
Humankind has used plants for healing since times immemorial. In the 12th century Hildegard von Bingen - German Abbess, prolific writer, philosopher, composer, polymath and mystic also named 'doctor of the church' – used plants as well as the 'dew of flowers' to heal the sick. The wealth of her enormous practical expertise and theoretical knowledge is well documented in her writings: Physica and Causea et Curae. Three centuries later famous Swiss Renaissance physician Paracelsus also wrote about the use of 'dew from flowering plants' for the purpose of healing. In the 1930's British physician Dr. Edward Bach confirmed their observations with his own research into the healing powers of plants and flowers. He found these to be so effective that he closed his practice in Harley Street and dedicate his life to the research and use of Flower Remedies.


What are the Australian Bush Flower Essences?
This system has been researched and developed by Naturopath, Ian White, a fifth generation Australian herbalist. Australia has the world's oldest and also the highest number of flowering plants exhibiting tremendous beauty and strength. Although Flower Remedies have been used by many cultures for thousands of years, the Australian Bush Flower Essences (ABFE) meet the great need for remedies that help people address the issues of the 21st century. The ABFE consist of 69 single and 20 combination essences. Although they are not homeopathic remedies they are plant and flower based remedies prepared using the homoeopathic principle of dilution.


How do they Work?
ABFE act in a similar way to Bach Flower Remedies (BFR): distress caused by the mind and one's general outlook on life itself may deplete a person's vitality and natural resistance to disease to such an extent that ill health can result. The remedies act by helping the sufferer to overcome negative emotions and states of mind which in turn allow the body's own healing processes to function again. They treat the cause rather than the effect, the person as a whole rather than the disease. The difference between the ABFE and BFR is there are more remedies with a wider spectrum to address dis-ease. Furthermore they seem to have a powerful effect on certain physical symptoms.


How can they Help You?
The remedies help to reinstate mental/emotional thus physical well-being. All people from all walks of life can benefit from the restorative healing action of the ABFE. The remedies not only treat the symptoms but, most importantly, they treat the root cause of the problem by working right back to the point where the problem started. By liberating one from the root-causes of suffering the essences help reinstate health and well-being. In Ian White's words: "The Bush Remedies not only help to give clarity to one's life but also the courage, strength and commitment to follow and pursue one's goals and dreams. They help to develop a higher level of intuition, self-esteem, spirituality, creativity and fun. The more the Essences are used, the more one is likely to experience greater awareness and happiness in one's life. Then everyone benefits...the individual, society and the planet."

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